Завтра последний день будничного неспанья. Эм, неспанья по уважительной причине. А не как всегда.
Брэд Джонс, Глен Джонсон, Хосе Энрике, Нури Шахин, Луис Суарес, Джо Коул, Усама Ассаиди, Джордан Хендерсон, Себастьян Коатес, Стюарт Даунинг, Джейми Каррагер, Джо Аллен, Пепе Рейна, Сусо Фернандес, Рахим Стерлинг, Джонджо Шелви, Конор Коуди, Мартин Шкртел, Андре Уисдом - в Италии
"Steven has been ill for the last couple of days," explained Rodgers. "He only really started to jog around on the field this morning.
"To not have Steven here certainly weakens the squad because he is a world-class player. So it's unfortunate that he is ill but it was just too much of a risk for him to travel and then not be available to play.
"We have been managing Agger throughout the games [this season] so that he is at his optimum level for every performance.
"Likewise with Lucas - he's just come back from a long-term injury. He did fantastic at the weekend but it's too early for him to play two games in one week. The three will come back into the squad for Sunday's game. But we're still strong. We've come out here to win the game.
"What's important about Liverpool is the collective. We don't rely on one player, it is about the team and that's what we'll rely on tomorrow night."
От этого дня зависит многое, в том числе и вопрос попадания в плей-офф.
Но мы попадем, верно? Должны попасть.
| четверг, 06 декабря 2012